This blog is related to houseplants or indoor oxygen plants. It is based on the data provided by NASA in its study related to air purifying or air purifier plants. The plants suggested in this blog can be kept indoors for decorative purposes as well. This blog also contains a few plants that can be kept in low light or artificial light also called low light oxygen plants. These plants are especially relevant at the times of Diwali when the air quality index is bad. These plants help in eliminating toxic contents from the environment.
This blog is based on the study conducted by NASA on the plants that can be used as a tool for eliminating toxic contents from our environment. The results published by NASA for its “Nasa Clean Air Study” has since been proved to be very relevant. The need for this study was felt when new substitutes for conserving energy was being used in the high rise building being constructed. It was found after a study in the 1970s that airtight sealing of buildings and the synthetic materials used in the construction of the buildings were emitting toxins that caused indoor air pollution and were linked to numerous health problems. We spend most of our time indoors in our houses or office and it has been found that when people are present in a poorly ventilated area or in a confined space, it adds to the increase of indoor air pollution.
Indoor air plant is a real threat to human health. This threat surface when the link between humans and the natural environment was disrupted and can only be resolved by forming an intricate relationship with the plants and our environment. Keeping that in mind we have compiled a list of few houseplants that also found their place as air-purifying plants in the report published by NASA.

Devil’s Ivy
Devil’s Ivy or Money plant is the most common houseplant. It is one of the hardiest plants that can survive in low-lighting or artificial lighting conditions. The plant has to be kept indoor and water only when the soil is completely dry. It is a vining plant and can be grown either as a hanging plant in a hanging basket or with a moss pole.

Easy to care for and maintainable in low lighting conditions, Aglaonema is another popular houseplant family which made to the NASA list of air-purifying plants. The plant requires watering only when the top inch of the plant dries off or when the leaves of the plant start drooping.

Snake plant
One of the most popular houseplants, this plant is known to be the second most effective air purifier. The plant can thrive in bright indirect light to low lighting conditions and has to be watered only when the soil completely dries out. It comes in many shapes, sizes and varieties.

Peace Lily
The peace lily is one of the popular indoor flowering plants and also one of the most effective plants which removes the toxic contents from our environment. It requires bright light and high humidity to survive. The plant can also survive in artificial light if placed directly under the light and provided high humidity and moved to natural light once a week.

Heartleaf Philodendron
As the name suggests, the most significant feature of this variety of plants is its heart-shaped leaf which is available in dark green colour, neon and variegated form (known as Philodendron Brasil). It is a vining plant that can be grown in hanging baskets as well as moss poles. Philodendron thrives in bright indirect light but can survive in low lighting conditions as well and requires water only when the top inch of the soil is dry.

Dracaena Marginata
Dracaena Marginata is another houseplant that thrives best if kept in semi indoor area i.e. where it gets morning direct sunlight and indirect bright light the rest of the day or if it is placed near a glass window that received direct light. The plant although can survive moderate indirect light as well, loses its reddish hue if kept in low/moderate light. It is a hardy plant that can survive a wide range of temperatures.

Bamboo Palm
Also known as Chamaedorea Palm, this plant is popular as an ornamental plant and can be kept in semi indoor areas. It thrives in indirect bright light or direct morning sun (it needs to be saved from the direct harsh sunlight) and requires water only when the top inch of the soil is dry to touch.

Dracaena fragrans/warnecki
Hardy and effective, this plant thrives in bright indirect light and can survive moderate direct sunlight as well. It requires water only when the soily is halfway dry but can tolerate draught situations as well.


Gerbera Daisy

Ficus benjamina

Aloe Vera
Known for its medicinal properties, Aloe vera is one of the most popular and common houseplants which is not only used for skincare but also removes toxic elements from the air around it. Aloe vera is also known to be one of the hardiest plants as it can thrive in direct or indirect light and can tolerate drought-like situations as well.